Etowah River Fishing Report 8/20/2018

Aug 22, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Not much has changed this week for the striped fish, water continues to swing between 75-80 degrees making the morning and evening the best time to get out. Flows are good and the visibility is too, the USACE is usually running water from noon to around 8 and not generating on Saturdays and Sundays so finding low water is pretty easy. Look for fish to be holding in deep water, drop offs and ledges have been holding fish lately. There are some large shad in the river right now so don’t shy away from throwing some larger flies like Umpqua’s Major Mullet or Flashfire Mushies. As always with striper fishing making as many casts as possible is key, try to make long casts to avoid spooking fish and keep your fly in the water as much as possible. This means spend as little time false casting as possible and finish your retrieve at the boat; I like to have anglers strip the fly in all the way to the leader connection before casting again. Again this time of year can be tough on fish, the warmer the water the less oxygen it is able to hold so fight fish fast and avoid taking them out of the water when possible. Spend as much time reviving fish as you do fighting them!

Bass fishing is strong and will only get better from here until things really start to cool down. Popper fishing is good, Boogle Bugs are the favorite but mouse flies, pole dancers, and gurglers will work also. If you want to change things up try dropping a large rubberlegs or even a small streamer like a slumpbuster under your popper. Streamer fishing will also produce some fish this time of year, try Kreelex’s, Sparkle Minnows, and Sex Dungeons if you want to be a #streamerjunkie.

Good Luck!

-Conner Jones

Check the Generation schedule before you plan your trip! We do not recommend that you float the Etowah if Allatoona dam is releasing water!

Allatoona Dam Release Schedule- (706) 334-7213

Allatoona Dam Real Time Flows

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