Fishing Report: May 7th, 2020

May 7, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

We’re open this week! Come and see us today, tomorrow, and saturday from 9 AM – 5 PM. We’re filling up our guide calendar through May and into early June for both trout and striped bass as well, so if you would like to set up a trip, please call us as soon as possible with your date in mind! Call us at the shop to book your trip: 7069463044.

The Toccoa Tailwater should be fishing well when generation allows. Rain earlier this week stained some of the tributaries, and we’re predicted to see more rain on Friday, but don’t let this discourage you. All the public accesses are open. As far as hatches go, I would keep an eye out for Sulphurs. These are a guide favorite on the river and can offer fairly good dry fly fishing. I also watch for Caddis right now. Have some Olive and Tan X-Caddis and Elk Hair Caddis, 14-18 right now. As far as subsurface activity, I would try stonefly nymphs like Pat’s Rubber Legs and Double Bead Stones in Black or Golden Stone colors, Holy Grails, Split Case PMD’s, Rainbow Warriors/Lightning Bugs, and soft hackle pheasant tails in 14-18.

Small Streams should be fishing well! I like to head to the mountains with a 3 weight and a box of dry flies this time of year. Specifically, Purple Hazes, Parachute Adams, small Chubby Cherynobyls, and PMX’s should all produce. Anything yellow this time of year is a good bet, as we have an abundance of bugs hatching in that color spectrum. For subsurface, I like to drop smaller unweighted pheasant tails and hare’s ears both with or without a soft hackle collar underneath these dries. If that doesn’t work, a Chubby with a Pat’s Rubber legs underneath would be my next choice.

The Upper Toccoa is still too high. Go somewhere else.

The Etowah River was fishing well before the cold front moved in yesterday. As conditions stabilize, fishing should get better. For spotted bass, I would take a 6-8 weight rigged with either an intermediate or full sinking fly line and 10-15lb leaders, followed by small 1.5-4inch baitfish patterns imitating shad: Clouser Minnows, Flashtail Whistlers, and Lunch Moneys. If you have striper on the brain, these fish should be moving up river and day. I like to fish an 8-10 weight with an intermediate or full sinking line with a 20lb leader and flies like Cruiser Shad/Anchovy, Major Mullet/Anchovy, big Lefty’s Deceivers, and big flashtail whistlers. Give us a shout if you have any questions about these fish – this river bass and striper have been our bread and butter for 10+ years; we keep a full stock of everything you need for success.

Check the generation schedule before you plan your trip! We do not recommend that you float the Etowah if Allatoona dam is releasing water. We do not recommend wading the Toccoa if the TVA is releasing water. Check the release schedules and be safe!

Toccoa River Release Schedule

Toccoa River Delayed Harvest flows

Allatoona Dam Release Schedule – (706) 334-7213

Allatoona Dam Real Time Flows

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