Fishing Report: March 5th, 2020

Mar 5, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Toccoa Tailwater generation schedule for today is 7AM-10AM / 4PM-Midnight, but the TVA’s predicted outflow for the next two days forecasts a longer period of generation than today. The forecast through the weekend is mostly sunny with a low percentage of rain, so hopefully the rain from today is the last we see. The tailwater has been fishing well outside of the seemingly constant generation, so if you would like to wade fish, keep an eye out and be ready – I would fish mostly sub surface and have a few dries at the ready. Little Black Stoneflies, Caddis, and Blue Winged Olives, and standard tailwater fare should produce. I would also carry some larger stoneflies like 6-8 Pat’s Rubber Legs, Double Bead Stones, and Tungstones, small to medium sized streamers like Mini Dungeons and Nancy P’s in Craw, Natural, White, and Yellow, Barely Legals, Wooly Buggers, Sparkle Minnows, and some cream or red midges.

The Upper Toccoa (Delayed Harvest) has been high for nearly a month now, but the current flow is 936 cF/s and falling. Keep an eye on the gauge – today’s rain might cause it to spike up and then drop back off through the weekend. I don’t wade this stretch higher than 500 cF/s, but floating it can be productive below 1100 cF/s if the water clarity is good.

Small Streams in the area are high. Same old song from last week – we’ve fished a few creeks that have been producing well, but tactics have been limited to high sticking heavy flies and splitshot through small pockets and eddies. These streams should be dropping out, so carry all the stuff you need to change tactics to dry-droppers and suspension rigs. I’m throwing bigger stonefly patterns and wooly buggers in addition to egg and worm patterns, but don’t be afraid to downsize flies and tippet if needed. Patterns imitating little black stones, caddis, and blue winged olives in smaller sizes can be a trip saver when the other stuff doesn’t work. I like to use my standard 9 foot, 4 or 5 weight rod when the water is this high- if you’re going to catch a trophy fish relative to the size of the creek you’re fishing, this is when it’s going to happen, so bring a net!

Check the generation schedule before you plan your trip! We do not recommend that you float the Etowah if Allatoona dam is releasing water. We do not recommend wading the Toccoa if the TVA is releasing water. Check the release schedules and be safe!

Toccoa River Release Schedule

Toccoa River Delayed Harvest flows

Allatoona Dam Release Schedule – (706) 334-7213

Allatoona Dam Real Time Flows

Cartersville Shop: (770) 606-1100

Blue Ridge Shop: (706) 946-3044

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