Fishing Report: August 8th, 2020

Aug 6, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Etowah River below Allatoona Dam has been fishing well, and we anticipate August to be fantastic for Striper and Bass. For Striper, I’m fishing an 8 or 9 weight rod with an intermediate clear tip fly line and using a tapered, 7 foot 20lb leader.  Flies that imitate threadfin and gizzard shad will work, so Lunch $’s, Flashtail Whistlers, big Lefty’s Decievers, and Popovic’s hollow fleyes. For Spotted Bass, a 7 weight fly rod with a floating fly line should be the weapon of choice. We’re throwing Gurglers in white and olive, Boogle Bugs, big cherynobyl ants, and other topwater flies at these fish. If topwater doesn’t produce for you, switch to clouser minnows, Galloup’s mini dungeons and Nancy P’s in craw, white, or natural colors.

The Toccoa Tailwater is still crystal clear from the dam down to at least Hemptown Creek. I recommend downsizing your flies and tippet if you’re fishing this end, so longer than average, 5x leaders with size 16-18 unweighted pheasant tails and hare’s ears, midges, clear water emergers, etc. I’m throwing these flies under size 10-12 chubby chernobyls in golden stone, Black Foam PMX’s, or Foam Stimulators in Yellow Sally colors. There isn’t a high chance of rain the next few days, so I would anticipate the water staying clear. Go as early as possible! The fishing shuts down as the sun gets over the water.

Small Streams have been productive, especially higher in elevation where the water is heavily canopied. Bring a 3 weight fly rod, a 9 foot 5x leader, and a cup full of yellow dry flies, and stay back off of pools and use cover to your advantage. Low and Clear water makes for spooky fish! These fish concentrate in the highly oxygenated water this time of year, so anywhere you see bubbles, there’s a good chance there’s a fish in that spot.

Check the generation schedule before you plan your trip! We do not recommend that you float the Etowah if Allatoona dam is releasing water. We do not recommend wading the Toccoa if the TVA is releasing water. Check the release schedules and be safe!

Toccoa River Release Schedule

Toccoa River Delayed Harvest flows

Allatoona Dam Release Schedule – (706) 334-7213

Allatoona Dam Real Time Flows

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