Fishing Report: 6/19/21

Jun 19, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It’s been a little while since we’ve done a fishing report! The best thing going this weekend is most likely going to be smaller streams in the mountains. We’re anticipating rain in the forecast. Some of the best creek fish we catch are in higher water conditions and pre-frontal conditions can be extremely productive if you can get out before the weather moves in, but don’t forget a rain jacket.

If we get a decent amount of rain, try streamers in black like a Jawbreaker, Sparkle Minnows, Kreelex, or a heavily weighted stonefly nymph like a TungStone or Two-Bit Stone. We really like throwing longer 9-10ft rods in higher water conditions with a euro or mono rig style leader, but if water conditions are stable ie: low and clear, stick with your standard 7.5/9 foot 5x or 6x leader with a simple dry-dropper. For the dry, think terrestrials and yellow: Beetles, Ants, Hoppers, 8-12 Golden Stones, 12-16 Yellow Sallies, 14-20 Sulphur and Light Cahill imitations, and always have a Parachute Adams or Purple Haze in sizes varying from 10-22. For droppers, Yellow Sally TungStones, Tan/Beige Pat’s Rubber legs in 8-12, pheasant tail and hare’s ear soft hackles 16-22, Split Case PMDs both jig and standard, and a few attractors like rainbow warriors and blue diamond perdigons. Swinging soft hackles at the end of your drift is a sure-fire way to pick up a few fish this time of year. The same flies will work on the Toccoa Tailwater, but Tammen Park may be the only fishable water for a few days if we get hammered by rain.

The Etowah is firing on all cylinders right now. As long as the rain holds off, Striper and Spotted bass fishing is good right now – think baitfish, so 2.5-4inch streamers like Lunch Money’s in Shad or Tan, Olive/White or Chartreuse/White Clouser Minnows, and Cruiser Shad/Major Sardines. We’re taking a 7 weight rigged with Scientific Anglers Bass Bug so we can throw both baitfish and poppers/divers at the spotted bass followed up with a 9 weight rigged with a Scientific Anglers Tropical Clear Tip Intermediate for Striper. For the 7 weight, we like a 9 foot 0x Powerflex Leader and build our own 7-8 foot striper leaders with Seaguar Premiere Leader Material (40lb/30lb/20lb).

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