Fishing Report 2/14
The Blue Ridge Area fishing report courtesy of our outfitting partner, Fly Fishing North Georgia. The Toccoa Tailwater has finally decreased the amount of water spilling over the lake from 1700cfs to 250cfs until further notice. As of Wednesday, the Tailwater was also...
Fishing Report 2/7
The Blue Ridge Area fishing report courtesy of our outfitting partner, Fly Fishing North Georgia. The Toccoa Tailwater is still spilling water at 1700cfs with no end in sight. Wade Fishing is definitely not an option; however, you can still float the water. With the...
Targeting Trout in Small Water
With all the rain we’ve had pushing through lately, small creeks have been one of the few refuges for anglers to get on the water. Small creeks can be intimidating for the angler that fishes bigger water and provide a technical challenge to the more experienced...