Bassapalooza Map!

Apr 30, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

If you aren’t familiar, Bassapalooza is a Bass Fly Fishing Tournament that we host on the banks of the Etowah in Cartersville every year for the past 4 years. There are a few rules for the tournament and if you aren’t sure then check out the previous blog post, we have them all posted there. This year we have upped the ante, we are having a pre party Friday night on the river with music by Rollin In The Hay, beer from Sweetwater Brewing, and all at a little spot on the river called The Gravel Bar where anglers can camp after the festivities. Every year people ask about what water is in bounds and what water isn’t so I thought it might be helpful to post a boundary for Bassapalooza so people can see all the options that are possible. The link below will take you to an interactive google map of the boundary that you can scroll through and see what rivers and streams are in the 60 miles. If you have any questions on the rules or want to register for the tournament please me an email at and I’ll respond ASAP, registration is due this week so don’t delay!

Interactive Bassapalooza Boundary Map

The Gravel Bar

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