(Fisher)man’s Best Friend

They’re always there to greet you with a wagging tail and expression of pure joy. They can be classified as a shop dog or skiff dog but either way you look at it, they’re a fisherman’s best friend. Once a dog makes the maiden voyage on a boat or...

Field Staff Reports: Rum and Bones

I love mornings in a fish camp. Groggy anticipation, the smell of bacon, and cup after cup of coffee to help clear the cobwebs from one too many rum and Cokes the night before. I make my lunch and grab my gear before meeting David at the dock. The sound of the breeze...

Holiday Gift Guide 2020

It can be hard to shop for fly fishermen and outdoorsmen on your own! It might seem like we’ve got it all, but here’s a list of the good stuff for the angler in your life: Thomas and Thomas Zone Fly Rods: Made in Greenfield, Massachusetts, the Zone series...
Field Staff Report: Maine Striper

Field Staff Report: Maine Striper

Notes From The Field July 25, 2020. Friendship, Maine The fog was barely lifting as we pushed away from the wharf. Doug knows where the Stripers are likely to be, so we cruise through the gut between Long and Garrison islands, past a pair of juvenile bald eagles to...